The Last Time

by Aimee   Jan 9, 2006

I look at the knife
it is my new found friend
What the hell is wrong with my life??
why so bad do i want it to end??
because i feel so alone
like there is no body there
sure there are people around me
but no one really cares
who the hell would notice
if i was to die tonight
no one would so i guess it will be alright
i grab the knife and pierce it into my arm deep
the blood trickles down and
lands beside my feet
i close my eyes and begin to fall
i think of what i could have become but i am nothing nothing at all
i have a sudden gush of visions and memories from since my birth
i open my eyes one last time and say goodbye to this hated place called earth


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  • 18 years ago

    by *[[ JoRdSkIiEz ]]*

    Hey gurl...
    of course ppl wuld care espically me uve always given me advise on wot to do in lyf so now i say hunni plz dont through away ur lyf ...ur such a great poet ur poems have so much meaning...but u kno where 2 find me if u eva need 2 talk kk

    luv jordane xo

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Knw how u dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    This Is A Gr8 Pe=oem! I Loved It!! Your Talented So Keep On Writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by in_love

    Hey sis,
    wow i dont if i have told you how awesome of a poet u r.. keep up ur awesome work..
    love you always kj xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Krisanta

    Aww..u poor baby..i understand what ur talking about!! but i wish u dont do that..i just found u as a friend i wouldnt wan to lose u now...ur a good writing keep it up!! im out...kris..ur buddy