Dedicated to my nan

by Jordan   Jan 9, 2006

Last year, in the final month,
it was about the time of lunch,
we received a call,
oh how i did bawl,
when i heard to the news,
i ran to the loo,
and started to cry,
because my nan did die,
it broke my heart,
it tore me apart,
it really did hurt and ache,
it didn't seem real, it couldn't have happened,
i really did feel it was fake.
when i saw her last,
it was in times past,
it really was ages ago,
it hurts and it burns,
but i reckon she learned,
how much i loved her so


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jordan

    Thanks guys

  • 19 years ago

    by britt

    Thats so good.sorrry bout ur nan