They Don't Know

by Fallen   Jan 9, 2006

I’m sick of everyone saying
“I’m crazy for thinking this is real,
That there is no way possible
To feel the way I feel.”

It seems like everyday they question
How I can love you so much
When I’ve never looked in your eyes
Nor ever felt your touch

But they don’t know what you give me
Even though we are far apart
They only care about the distance between us
Not what I feel in my heart

Maybe it is weird to think this is real
And I’m crazy for feeling this way
But nobody knows anything about me
So it’s not for them to say

They don’t know what I’ve been through
Especially these past few years
‘Cause they’re not with me everyday
And they’ve never seen my tears

They don’t know of my horrible past
And of the pain I’ve felt inside
They don’t understand what my life is like
But of course, they’ve never tried

That’s why I don’t understand them
When they say I can’t possibly care
Because no matter what the situation
You are always there

If only they knew how you’ve changed me
And made my life worthwhile
Or how you’ve taken away all my pain
And given back my smile

They would never question me
About the way I feel
And never would I hear I’m crazy
For thinking this is real


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  • 18 years ago

    by Babyesha Naveed

    Hi..well done!..i can also relate..i feel the same..but should not mind those who dont know your real feelings deep within you..anyway keep it up :) u had expressed it very well :) like it! :)

  • Thats realli sweet!

  • 19 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    I like your poem its really nice, I can kind of relate to that. Keep up the good work!! :D