Comments : I have to move on

  • 19 years ago

    by Rae

    I'm glad you liked my last poem and I'm glad to see by this one you're trying to move on. Sometimes we do have to experience a little pain in love in order to find that perfect and pure true love. Keep on writing, and thanks for the encouraging comments.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rae

    Thank you once again, I just do my best to put some feeling into my writing. There is a lot of pain out there in the world, but there is always hope. So thats what we all have to learn to hang onto.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamarcus Dwayne Blaze

    Hay look may have to move on but you don't have to forget the love you wont,s had i read this poem my brother wrote he had a point about one thing the one you feel in love with you never know if you new her in a past life and you cought you your praesent life with you past

    P.S thank for all you great poems it is truely a masterpice.