She loved him to the end

by Krysten   Jan 10, 2006

The little girl had everything
a mommy and a dad
she seemed polite and perfect
no one saw that she was sad

she was friends with everyone
a teachers finest dream
her parents both loved her
life was seemed

yet something was wrong
but no one could ever know
that her quarter-back boyfriend
a punch he could throw

she promised she would leave him
if he ever did it again
then with make-up
covered up the bruise on her chin

"he didn't mean it" she thought
as she softly touched her eye
she looked in the mirror
and started to cry

"he loves me" she screamed
"it was all a mistake"
"the love that we share
"can not be faked"

"its my fault this time"
"i should have done what he said"
she whispered to herself
as she climbed into bed

she kept this huge secret
and told so many lies
but when she saw that pink line
she broke down and cried

"he'll kill me" she yelled
"he'll never forgive me" she did shout
she knew right then
that he could never find out

she stumbled to the kitchen
and grabbed a rusty knife
the only thing left to do
was end her own life

she wrote a simple note
then slit both her wrist
she lovingly whispered his name
as she accepted death's kiss


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  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Great poem. i really enjoyed it nice work. keep it up.
    Emma 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by †Undone♥

    Whoa, that is really, really good.

  • 19 years ago

    by Robert

    Its a very sad, but meaningful poem, and touching too.. well done..

  • 19 years ago

    by nightschild

    What a sad poem,
    so sad, but also so touching.
    i dont know what to say.....
    well done 5/5
    xoxoxox mare

  • 19 years ago

    by Black night

    It did make me cry. it reminded me of a friend i once had, her boyfriend beat her but she would never tell anyone, i thank god everyday that she is still alive. it was a truely amazing poem *hug*