Ending the Pain

by Allison   Jan 10, 2006

A girl sits by her window
Blade in hand
Staring out across her yard
Trying to decide what to do

Should she end her pain?
With this question rushing through her head
She moved the blade toword her arm
Hoping for peace

Pressing it against her flesh
She watches how the red blood flows
Feeling the tension leave
Welcoming the peace

Now she feels dizzy
The blood hasn't stopped
Its still flowing down her arm
Into the puddle on the floor

She knows what is coming
Theres no going back
So she walks to her bed
And lays down

Her head hits the pillow
And she closes her eyes
While taking deep breaths
She welcomes death

As the darkness surrounds her
She thinks of him
As she pictures his face
The cause of all her pain

She takes one last breath
The darkness consuming her
The pain is ceasing
Then theres nothing


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  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    I liked this one alot, Its abit like my poem called "Past the ceiling" You should read it someday, If you wanna. But you did a great job on this one too, Hope none of its true though. 5/5 =]

    luv natalie x-x

    P.s Ive done about 7 now, I think, So im gunna go to sleep cause its 1:52 am here, And im very tired, So i will do the rest for you in the morning kay?

  • 19 years ago

    by Juls

    It's good. I liked it. You spelled a word in the second stanza wrong though if you wanted to fix that. Emotion ran threw the poem and still kept the flow very well I believe. Keep up the wonderful work


  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Ha, I laughed at this poem at first only because I have one by the same title. That always entertains me when I share the same title as another author. However this version is ten times better than my own. Another tale of blood and pain, the tragedy of our world unfolds, that so many who have the give to live want to take it away. Nice poem, it give me a lot to think about.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by Josiah Larson

    So detailed and emotional it was such a beoutiful peice of work! I really liked this poem the most from yours so far!

    Thanks for you c/r


  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Wow this is a great poem i loved it excellent job
    love always