I will forever care

by Strange Angel   Jan 10, 2006

I can't say I know what you are going through
But I can vaguely understand
I've been there too myself, you know
I've held that knife in hand

The pressure and the tension
Became too much to bear
I brought it out upon my leg
To stop condemning stares

I know the guilt, I know the pain
The anguish and the hate
I know the helpless feeling,
You are subject to your fate

And when I see you wince
From pain voiced on your leg
I can only begin to understand
What's running through your head.

So I'll never say I understand
And I'll never say I know
'Cause only you can comprehend
What it is you're going through

But what I can say, i'll say it now,
And I'll say it loud and clear
I'll make this promise a thousand times:
I'll always lend an ear

If you ever want to talk to me
If you ever feel you can
Please don't be afraid to speak
I'll never punish, scorn or damn

And if you ever feel hopeless
Know that I am there
And I'll always want to listen to you
I will forever care.


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  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Awww thats such a beautiful poem, 5/5! xxxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Black night

    *hug* great poem.