The Fight that changed our lives

by confused!! (Jenn)   Jan 10, 2006

I hear the yelling and screaming
I feel the vibrations of the banging
I hear the screams of bad words coming
From your mouth
I hear you say I am leaving and not coming back
You cant leave just like that you have kids
What are you going to do for the kids?
How do you think we will feel?
Bet you dont even care
Care that I am hear crying
Care that you are about to walk out of 4 different
Kids life
But you didnt even think that we needed you
That we loved you
You leave with out saying bye
Hear I am the oldest child
Your first daughter
Crying cause you are walking out my life
Then you see me running after you
Yelling mommy dont leave please dont leave me
You stop and say Jenn I love you and all your brothers and sisters
Dont forget that
You drive off and just leave me crying
Do you really love me?
Cause if you did you will not have left me
Now hear I am and Im needing a mom
We all need a mom
How is Gillian and Chloe going to grow up?
With out a mom to go to
Am I supposed to take that role?
The role of a mother when I am not ready
I walk back in the house and I look at daddy
I see he is crying just sitting on the sofa and crying
I bet you did not even know that this man loved you
Loved you enough that the next thing I know is that
He was getting in the car coming after you
That day you did not come back
But please do know that he is still looking
Looking for you; he has not stopped and its been
Over a year
Mom where ever you are he wont stop looking for you
Mom you were wrong to leave I was not ready for this mother job
I was not ready to be on my own with out a mother
You were wrong when you said that dad did not love you
He does love you and thats why he is out till this day looking for you
Mom we all love and miss you and we all hate that you left but we all
Forgave you so please come back come back for the kids come back for dad
Do it for the family I dont want the role of a mother when I am still in need
For a mother and Gillian and Chloe including me needs our real mother around
We need you mom cant you see that we all miss and love and forgave you for leaving but now we need you around I hope you see this poem because its coming from my hart and all I can say now is


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  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Awww...don't feel bad... my mother left when i was 9 and ever since, i still cry. i don't understand why... she left my dad and me... and ever since, my love has changed for her, as well as myself. i just don't feel as loved as in the past, before she left... i feel as if my love has died for her, as well as for myself.

    don't give up... ur poem made me cry, bringing memories about my mother... but, i wish you the best and hope you find your mother.. don't give up... w/e u do.. im sure she loves u deep inside, not knowing how to show it, deep down... im sure she loves you guys, even tho, she did the things she did... maybe she doesn't know how to show it tho... but, in the end, all mothers love their children, no matter what they choose to do... wish ya the best... im here for ya if u need ne 1 to listen... ok?

    big hugs,

  • 19 years ago

    by t. h a l l i d a y *

    Wow... very full of emotion it was great ... good job

    xox pixie

  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    I kno i already read ths in the contest but i had 2 tell u y i ulvd it so much. i cood sence SO much emotion, and it was so touching, and made u wanna 4 sure!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Cueball24

    *sheds a tear* OMG!! That was great. *needs a tissue* Wonderful. Superb. I really enjoyed it. Keep it up.