Life sucks

by .+.unpretty_loser.+.   Jan 11, 2006

As I sit here,
wondering what to write,
I think of the people we fear,
the people that hide.

They blow things up,
but they don't care,
if it's children or adults,
guilty or innocent, it' just not fair.

If we stop,
will they???
If they stop,
will we???

Sad, lost misunderstood and battered,
does some one you know fit this???
Their life is in tatters.
Are they going to be another statistic???

Jump off a ledge, swallowed pills,
hung, shot, cut or drunk,
their life has not yet been fulfilled.
One too many tests they've flunked.

Will they stop,
if they understand.???
If they understand,
will they stop???

Smoking, alcohol, drugs,
sex, partying or stealing.
These are the problems we teens are dealing
with to have a bit of fun.

Adults laugh, talk and stare,
but what would they know???
To feel like you're all alone, like no one cares.
Give us a fair go.

Will they care,
if we care???
If we care,
will they care???


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Ok i can defintely agree with this one the most...i dont think anyone cares they just critisize but they dont take the chance to figure out why you act, look, or talk the way you sux!!!!...good poem though :)

  • 19 years ago

    by sweetcheeks17

    Really good keep up the good work

  • 19 years ago

    by JustKissMe

    Omg this is such a great poem i luv it! i agree with you (about what you have written in your poem). hope you keep writing!!

  • 19 years ago

    by *~KTforgotten~*

    This was another really good poem! This raises a lot of good questions and you make really strong points in your poem. GREAT JOB!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Amzin poetry, loved the rythm the pattern or lack of it, I dunno what it is but its great. WIth alot of feeling to it. 5/5. Keep them comin!!!
