Comments : Goodbye

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    This is a really good poem..i like it...hey and about the cutting thing..i know its really hard to stop...but u should try..because i used to cut and now whenever i see the scars i get reminded of the bad times. its bad for you too...i dont wanna sound like im preaching you or anything jus..ive been there and stuff sorry if i offended just trying to help..

  • 19 years ago

    by TearsLeftUndried

    O0o0o0o0o0o0 i like it...i know how you feel .Well good job!!! tootles!


  • 19 years ago

    by *~KTforgotten~*

    This was an awesome poem, and its good that you can put your feelings down on paper, but I've also been there and I've realized that it helps to talk to someone. My best friend really helped me through my hard times and its nice to just talk to someone and you never know how much they really can help. If its just listening to you or offering advice, its nice to know that someone is there for you and it also builds a lot of trust between you and another person. I really feel your pain and ive had a lot of the same thoughts that you have, but i realized that lifes too short, but I had someone there to help me through it. Awesome poem!!