You give me reason

by Ivan Miller   Jan 11, 2006

You gave me reason through tout the difficulties in my life, you gave me reason to move on and do the right thing, you gave me reason because you know I was lost without you, now with you I am found and your love has made me more aware of what I have, what I have no man can take away because it was meant for me and only me, your heart is what you gave, I knew I could do no better than you, you gave me more hope than anyone possible, I wronged you by not giving you the chance so I took a chance and gave you another one because I still had your heart and without you I was incomplete the reason we are together again is not because I took you back or you took me back we both knew and know we belong together, and since I have your heart the best the thing I could do is give you my heart, mind, body and soul, this is the way I feel to trust you with every inch of my body and as long as I am with you I know nothing will happen to us.

This poem is for the most intelligent girl I know my love always and forever.


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  • 18 years ago

    by struggling

    This is great love it u r a very good poet write more and i will read those as well.5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by MBG

    This poem is really sweet...keep it up