My Last Resort

by Justine   Jan 11, 2006

I'm sitting in this empty room as dark as the midnight skies, placed right in the corner so no one can hear my cries. There's a knife right in front of me waiting to be used and a million questions running through my head making me more confused. I don't know what to do with my life and I wish I could just run away, but I just keep telling myself "just make it through one more day". This time it didn't work and I went to pick up the knife, I raised it up high reviewing my whole life. I thought about my friends and family and how much they'd be hurt, but the pain I felt inside overcame me and I started lowering my hands closer to my shirt. As tears stream down my face, my heart beats faster, the knife now inches away I think about how my life turned out to be such a disaster. I suck it up and turn my head, and just as it hits me I jump from my bed. My heart was beating so fast and I started to cry, that girl in the dream was me and I didn't know why, but then I remembered that hers and my life were exactly the same and theres no one else here that I can blame. Each day I go through gets harder and harder to enjoy but all I can do is sit here and hope for the best even though my life only consists of being depressed.

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  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Beautifully Broken*~

    Great poem i really liked it keep going and keep your head up high email me sometime im a lot like you keep writing 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by tiffany

    U have very good talent and i want u to know that if u ever want to talk email me and cause i cant say i know exactly what u feel cause im not u so i dont but i know in a way how u feel! check some of my poems if u could and remember im here if u wanna talk!