The LiFe oF a DePreSSeD TeeN..

by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.   Jan 11, 2006

When you cant face tomorrow
cant bear to be strong
whats the point of trying
in a world so wrong

when the only thing that gets you through
is the cuts on your arm
your only release
is to cause yourself harm

when your friends dont understand
and dont want you around
so you suffer in silence
without making a sound

when you cant see the point
in life anymore
you cant handle the pain
and your really not sure

when you dont know whether
you'll survive the next day
and all you want
is for the pain to go away

when they call you antisocial
when you sit in your room
its there you face darkness,
depression, and gloom.


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  • 18 years ago

    by .x.HauNt.x.Me.x.

    HEy HuNi!!
    LoL WhAtS CrAcKiN'? =P
    i LoVe yA pOeM!! hEhE
    buBi SwEeTiE, LuV yA! MwA xXx

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Omg I really liked that maybe its becaause I can relate Idk but that was really great, i loved it, nice job, xoxo Rach