This War Called Love

by Sarah Ashley   Jan 11, 2006

I think about you every night
though I'm afraid to love again
It's a constant battle in my mind
I wish that it would end
I'm so afraid of getting hurt
I always say I don't want to fall in love
but truthfully I really do
If i had to name one person I fell for
honestly I would say you
If you really like me and your love will stay true
Please don't hesitate to tell me so
If not then just let me go
I'm so confused right now
Mixed signals you keep sending to me
What do you want from me?
Please tell me what should i be
A friend, a lover, or just a memory?
Friends for now we shall stay
but maybe that will change some day
I'm so afraid to put my heart on the line
For fear that you will never be mine
Though its to late for that now
While writing this I think my minds battle has ended
I think I have come to a decision
I wish for you to be mine someday
I have made my move and put up a long fight
Now its time for yours I just hope your move is right

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Please tell me what you think and how i can improve. thank you!


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  • 19 years ago

    by twisted faith

    I seriously understand what you mean, i feel like that so badly right now. hope you find what you're looking for xox

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