If I Leave

by ~*DiShEaRtEnEd~AnGeL*~   Jan 11, 2006

I know they love each other
They always say they do
They crave one another
There`s just room for two

I wonder if I leave
Would they be the same
Would they cry and grieve
Or would they play their game

Would they know that it was them
That made me leave this place
To leave all those so dear
To leave without a trace

They can`t seem to realize
Just what they do to me
All they do is fantasize
And parade in front of me

They talked to me tonight
Giving me a choice
Telling me to stop
And try and act real nice

They`re the ones who make me shitty
They`re the ones who make me blue
Everyone thinks I need pitty
I just don`t know what to do


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  • 19 years ago

    by CrAzY GiRl

    Im here n always will be ok... good poem i love your writing it awesome love u heaps sam/CrAzY xoxox

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