I always just want to scream
And tell everybody all my pain
And sorrow. Tell them how my life
Has been all a lie and everything
I knew won't ever be the same.
But I never do and why if all I
Want to do is die but knowing
How maybe everyone else will
Care ,I won't.
I don't like to have people worry
And care about me, so my pain
And sorrow probably won't ever
Be reviled.
And if ever reviled, maybe then
I won't want to die, I won't just
Want to leave my life as that,
Leave it with all my pain.
All I ever just wanted to do was
Cry or die because I can't even
Take the things happening in
My life. My life I can say sucks.
I mean I can't even believe
That suicide is on my mind
But with all that is happening
With all the stress building
Up, to me I seem to have no
Other choice but feel like I
Should die.