Cry of Suicide

by Allison   Jan 12, 2006


A cry arises in the night
And fills the peoples eyes with fright
There is no law to abide
To the Cry of Suicide

The horror about to be unvealed
Involves lots of blood that has been spilled
It came like the rising of the tide
Its the Cry of Suicide

Their names don't matter
Their lives don't flatter
Their crys were never heard on the outside
And now their voices have been added
To the Cry of Suicide

They've raised the gun to their heads
Wishing that they were dead
They've slid the knives across their flesh
Releasing the pain so fresh

They've overdosed on medication
Hoping for a vacation
They've hung themselves from the ceiling
Trying to get rid of pain revealing

Now with a hopes and
Thoughts aside
They've been added
To the Cry of Suicide

* Please tell me what you think about this one because I would really like to know.*


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  • 18 years ago

    by in.need.of.a.lucky.charm

    I loved the repetion of "to the cry of suicide"
    great poem hun

    much love and many kisses,

  • 18 years ago

    by Dacey Flame

    Incredible rhyming. Some of the rhythm seemed a bit off, but I'm not sure. Sometimes I just read things wrong. And it's sad, how a lot of people feel like that. Makes me wish I could help =/

  • 18 years ago

    by Rei

    I love this poem. It's my favorite. Aly you're awesome.

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    This poem really touched me as my mum killed herself, this another great piece of wrk def another 5 vote keep writing hun sarah x

  • 18 years ago

    by Natalie

    This was really good! And i must say it`s sad that alot of people have to feel that way. But it`s good to know that you not alone, You might not have people around you that understand, But theres millions of people who are feeling the exact same!
    Keep up the great work! 5/5 =]

    luv natalie x-x-x