A new beginning?

by Pallav   Jan 12, 2006

I m a bird,
I want to talk
I m a human
I want to fly
Its a world of discontented
Where every one is unhappy
Where is that joy
Which Keats felt?
Where is that land of nightingale?
Where is that romanticism?
Unhappy faces, false smiles everywhere
Everyone is sad
But why, why humanities is cast off
Why materialisms everywhere
We are in a wrong place
We are the fatalities of a new world
Where we will smile with our robotic hearts
How can we welcome,
How can we exist?
In this Martian new world..
Its a new world of the olds
A new beginning with a closure.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    It is true in which world we are living is a materlistic. Everyone is running behind fiction. yea we need a one new world. A true world,

  • 19 years ago

    by Pallav

    Thanx a lot for your comment !luv ya pallav

  • 19 years ago

    by Pallav

    Thanx a lot for your comment !luv ya pallav

  • 19 years ago

    by Truly in Love

    I love your outlook on life.. maybe through this poem people will get a stronger hold on life... perhaps your words will help them understand the meaning...

    I loved the message being conveyed in this poem... good work..
    looking forward to reading more from you... this was an awesome poem... 5/5

    Much love,