Goodbye my love, I shall miss you!

by Irena   Jan 12, 2006

As she walked she screamed inside, yelled, cried, pleaded.
Where did the love go?
The smiles, touches, sweet words like melody
Where did it all go?
As she was waiting the train the memories began to take over her
The memories of the time when anything seemed possible
When the sky wasn’t too high
The train finally came, she could see it from the distance
The time has come, the time to end the suffering
Goodbye cruel world, goodbye my love, I shall miss you
That was the last thing she said before she laid down in front of the train
It was all so clear now. It was the end.
Goodbye my love, I shall miss you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by alicia walker

    I really like it to some times i think i should kill myself but i dont know any more but i really loved your poem

  • 18 years ago

    by SaraH_*

    I really hae to say the this... i loved your poem! it's awesome! congrtulations for your job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Dino Dhamphyr

    Wow how sad i could really feel the pain

  • 19 years ago

    by Demian

    I like ur poem cuz its what i have felt before