Lets Listen To The Beat

by katherine   Jan 12, 2006

These words beat threw me
the music up so loud
it hurts
but it feels so good
as if I'm letting
something inside of me
These songs about
love so hopeless
and life's falling to pieces.
I've had this greatest urge
to just burst!
Say everything i feel
and tell about everything
thats somewhere deep down.
Because you see
theres a hole in my heart
that no one can seem to fill.
I've tried to replace it
with love
and I've tested happiness
but those just made the hole larger
and gives me an incurable
sense of loneliness.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Kat

    Hey! thats a really good poem! thanks for commenting on my poem and i agree with you on the not rhyming poems thing.....they really do come from the heart even if its torn to pieces....keep it up i give you a 5/5!