To live a lie

by Josh   Jan 13, 2006

To live a lie
would it be so bad
and give you nightmares
and drive you mad
so eloquently placed in a delicate way
to have to live your life a certain special way
would it be so bad to blind yourself from the truth
if the truth is what gives you such pain
wouldn't you be happy to wake up every morning seeing only what you want to see
wouldn't you be so passionately moved by hearing only what you wanted to hear
couldn't you fool yourself and throw reality away
not caring about any worries that the realm of truth bestows upon you
why can't we all just live a life in a manner thats going to make us happy?
why must we always be brought back down to earth by selfish criticism
why must we not allow ourselves to live the life we want to live
why must we depend on those we love to love us back
why must what I write in this poem be so overrated
why can't we just pull a truth over our eyes and blind ourselves to what the world, as I see it, takes away.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Hmm.. I loved reading this poem. Beautiful written, it flows. Well done, once again, Josh. You are talented =) Keep it up! Lotsaaaa love -xxx-

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    That was very well. I like the way you write your poems. keep writing them.
    and hey josh, thanks for the comment on my new poem. thank you so much.
    well, you asked who's the little girl.
    you mean the little girl at the end of it?
    well, It was just portrayed in my mind. actually she could be anyone.
    anyway, I liked this part of this poem that says:
    why must we always be brought back down to earth by selfish criticism

    have a great day,

  • 19 years ago

    by Kirsty

    So very true!!
    everyword delicately placed!
    josh this IS your best work
    and my fav of the lot!!
    i think this shows real talent one of which amazes me
    i love it
    keep it up sugar
    loves xxxxxxxxx