My Funeral

by ~*Beautifully Broken*~   Jan 13, 2006

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take,

I know some day I shall die,
but it feels like the days are less,
if I die I wonder who would care?
but if I do die soon,

don't be sad,
wipe those tears away,
and celebrate that I actually lived,
because some people are unfortunate,

and don't get to live their life's they deserved,
So when you go to my funeral,
how do you think I died?

natural causes, sickness,
but suicide wouldn't pass
through your mind huh?
just because I look like I'm fine,

doesn't mean I am,
I want to be dressed in a black dress thats beautiful,
a nice black or wooden casket,

and beautiful red roses all around,
I don't want to be cremated,
have someone deliver a great speech,
I hope they really cared about me,

In the end would they really care that I did,
how would they react?
will people who I don't even know show up and care more than I ever thought they would?

**Please comment it would really mean a lot I usually return the favor**


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  • 19 years ago

    by darkangel112

    Thats a really buitiful poem. the only thing you need to work on is the flow a little bit, i dont mean that in a mean way, i really like the poem itself. good job

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