Have you ever tried to help someone

by Bradley Peter   Jan 13, 2006

Have you ever tried to help someone, and they just spit in your face
you try to outstretch your hands, but your outstretching to open space
you know that they are falling, and you know they're falling hard
but still you try to help them, even if it means you getting scared
they're drowning in the water, or they're stuck beneath the snow
they've surrounded a wall around them, and they're putting on a show
though they've kicked you when your down, and they've hurt you when your high
your still not going to let go of them, you're still going to try

You don't know why you do it, but yet you do it still
You feel its your obligation, even if its you they kill
Now there's I girl I know at college, and I shan't name her name
But her and I used to be an item, but she played game after game
And now we're no longer together, but I still try to be her friend
But although my friendship's genuine, hers is just pretend
Do you own a friend like this, are you the saviour without thanks
Do you suffer yourself to save them, then find they're playing pranks

I suffer this pain still, but I've come to the end of my rope
Let her right her own wrongs, for I can now no longer cope
Her and I have played our last game, she can play with someone new
She can wreck another poor soul, lead him in and do him through
Its not that I don't like her, and its not that I don't care
But I can't put my life on hold, whenever she needs me to be there
Have you ever tried to help someone, knowing you shant succeed
Knowing no matter what you do, they will always be in need


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition

    I really really like this! The rhyme scheme is great and it flows beautifully, however I do think the middle stanza is weaker than the start and finish and the wors 'but' is a bit over-used. Overall, really great!

  • 16 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Man I know how you feel. I had the same problem. A girl I was going with for about a year cheats on me with my bestfriend then your okay cool well i'll leave it be. Then you try to be friends but she's only your friend when she needs a dollar or when she needs some. So eventually I just left it alone. I still see her and when she gets infront of me for a hug i still give her one but other than that i don't speak to her.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Ohhh I think I have fallen in love with your work haha.
    The flow was flawless in this troughout, and I thought it to be very intense and hard hitting.
    The imagery used, as always, was beautifully done.
    I adore this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Sadly there are people like this...... People take advantage of you when they know they can.

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Great poem...sad when a friendship dies. it's something that hurts both parties.