All Because You Said Goodbye...

by hehasmyheart   Aug 3, 2002

I have nothing left- Nothing to give...
Since I don't have you- Why Should I live...
The words you say-Conflict with the beat....
I look at your brown eyes- so warm so sweet
I'm Sorry my feelings for you have changed
Is what you said....
I feel so alone so lost-
I feel like I'm dead...
When you told me you liked me-
All the glory rose to my heart...
Yes, you were right- you tore me apart...
I told you I hated you-
But deep down In my heart I don't
I can't feel your heart- If It just Won't
I told you Steven I didn't like you...
But what I told you was a lie...
I can't tell you how I feel- you made me cry
Why does it hurt so much?
You Hurt me I want you so bad...
But you took my love for granted...
Shattered my heart and made me sad...
I wish you would know how I feel
I wish Steven, you would come back
I would make it right- I would make it real
I just want to grab you and make you see...
Just how much I need you here with me...
I still remember that October day-
When you left my world,
And you took my heart away...
I still remember when you kissed my lips-
When I pretended to be asleep-
My love 4 you Steven is so strong so deep...
You took my hand, and held it tight
I wanted it to last- but it ended that night
I miss you talking to me-
I miss your smile- and all our flirting...
You hurt me so much- Now I'm Still hurting..
My heart was broken-
By the squeeze of your soft hand...
My heart is buried- deep down in the sand...
I look at you- across the room
My heart is shedding its pedals-
On top of love's tomb...
When you broke up with me-
You Had no explanation-
You were the love of my life-
I wanted to take you to my destination...
You said you were sorry- But how could you?
With one last kiss- You left me too...
With one last touch- We were through...
Now I can't tell you my dreams or my life
Since you took my heart away from me,
And stabbed my heart with a knife.
Don't you see how much you made me cry?
All Because Steven, You said Goodbye


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  • 17 years ago

    by ~!~ Mar!ah ~!~

    Thiz PoEm Is sO ToUCHiNG AnD tRUe. i CAN rELAtE tO tHiS pOEm BeCAuSe ItS sOMeTHiNg tHaT i'M gOINg tHRu AS oF rItE nOW. iTs rEAlLY hARd ON uS bECaUsE tHeY nEVer wANt TO taKE tHE tImE OuT And lET uS tElL tHEm hOw wE fEeL...... i cAN rEmEmBA cOuNtLEsS nUmBErS oF nIGhTS i WoUlD sTAy UP aT nIGhT jUz wAItInG oN HiS cALL. THiS IS rEALlY GoOd AnD eMOtIOnAl b/C wE gO tHrU iT aND tHEy jUZ dOnT rEAlIzE hOW mUcH wE tRUeLy caRE aND lOVE hiM. buT NIce wORK

  • 17 years ago

    by hehasmyheart

    Thank you for all the comments i have found my true love i was married on june 18 2005 it will be 2 years this year i have a wonderful son he will be one may 26 his name is blake!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffany

    This is beautiful!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by MEMI

    Aww that is cute n it is sad

  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsea

    That is sooo sad... its a really great poem though you seriously are like a really great poet.. and from wat your poem said.. that steven guy is a jerk.. you deserve better and one day you will find that guy.. the guy that is sooo much better.. the one you love more than everything.. the one that loves you just the same... good job though!