Comments : A series of memories

  • 19 years ago

    by Void

    Great job! I have to say, that our styles and choice in topics are almost exactly the opposite to eachother, but that just made me enjoy reading your poem so much more. I love the numerous images you have in here. Over all, I think you did a great job with it. And before I say much more, I want to ask you... Are you happy with this poem? When a person writes, he/she should write for themself - only to prove to themself, only to make their words true to their heart. So if what I say next doesn't fit with whatyou were going for, please feel free to disregard it all.
    The only thing I didn't get from this poem is alot of feeling. I certainly got some images, but are you happy with the past? Saddened? What emotion brings about? ... Though now that I have brought that up, I can't help but think you were straying away from the emotion category, and simply into the mind's imagination for pictures - triggering memories...
    Anyway, Excellent job either way. Unique and refreshing :)

  • 19 years ago

    by stationaryfaerie

    I disagree with Steph....there is plenty of emotion in this peice, it's just not the polar of emotions that most are used to's refreshing to see such amazing writing here, especially poetry with the personal style and flare that you show us. Much applause, great work, and keep writing!

    Stationary Faerie

  • 19 years ago

    by Martyna

    I love the style you used for this poem and you wrote it very beautifully. I almost made me cry, cuz I could remember all of those memories. You have to think youre good if you can stir such emotion in someone. Awesome job.