Your Pretty Piece of Sea Glass

by stationaryfaerie   Jan 14, 2006

Held tightly
smashed against the wall.
Time is like the wind,
pushing me away from him,
toward you.

I've let shards fall along my way.
I've let words I didn't say
sharpen my tongue
and leave my throat a ball of tears and jagged cuts.

Feeling your healing
Wandering to the sea.
Time is like an ocean
and me,
I'm like a piece of bottle,
once so sharp,
being softened by the shore,
and I'm wanting more and more
to see you waving and waiting
for me
to be
your pretty piece of sea glass.


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  • 19 years ago

    by creeesta

    This is an amazingly well written poem. I love to read poems like these, they really help me in my writting. Keep up the great work!! You are really talented. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Catherine

    I love the imagery in this piece. And I can really connect with it... it's wonderful to find a poem that speaks to me, from someone who is my age. I feel less lonely. Thank you.

  • 19 years ago

    by libby

    This was very sweet, and I can't think of a more poetic image to evoke than sea glass. Unpredictable use of words gets me every time, and you've demonstrated this skill perfectly in this line: "and leave my throat a ball of tears and jagged cuts." Beautiful work, keep it up!

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