A little girl so young

by skye   Jan 14, 2006

So young
so innocent
her little blue eyes
she holds the world in her smile
she has no idea
her chosen fate
her family of lies
her path she awaits
be littled by the people she loves
confused by her life
her small little frame
her delicate little face
how could a child so young survive
when will she realize
will she ever know
the arrogance
the hatred
the selfishness
embedded in her heroes blood
his money hungry mind
is salutary attitude
what will come of his life
will she experience
what we went through
will he learn
my father so wise yet so dumb
maybe he will have learnt
or he shall make another mistake
and take the life
of another innocent little girl
just trying to find her place in life
but being suffocated
every step of the way


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