Comments : LETTER TO DAD

  • Thats deep.....

  • 18 years ago

    by Serenity

    =\ This is sad. I know what it's like kinda...except I never had a father. He and my mother were not married, and he left her when she was pregnant. My mom married some as$hole of a man and now I have a "stepdad"...If you can call someone like that a dad. Anyways, Good luck to you. I hope you get over your problem =\ I got over mine ((it wasn't cutting though))

    Keep it up! Don't let anyone EVER push you down!

  • 18 years ago

    by Spitfire

    i can agree with u all the this
    its amazing
    im sorry if its true
    but i can relate to u so much
    i really like it and sometime email we
    can can talk