
by nevergiveup   Jan 14, 2006

Running, screaming,
Dying, bleeding.
Those are the Symptoms of a broken heart,
When a love has fallen apart.

She isnt lying bleeding on the floor for the attention,
Thats certainly true,
She just wants once again to be loved by you

So why the hell do you,
Look right through her, leave her alone,
And why do you never answer the phone?

She is so hurt,
Why did you treat her like dirt?
Maybe she'd still be here,
But she's very far from near.

No-one heard her call,
When she started to bawl.
No-one could stop her,
When she reached for the knife,
The knife that took away her lonesome life.

There she lay, bleeding, dying, waiting for you,
But you never came,
What did she do to deserve this?
Couldn't she have that one good night kiss?

This girl was fine up until then, I could see,
I see this because, she, is me


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  • 18 years ago

    by nevergiveup

    Shanny =]
    ur so good at writing poems they're all so brilliant =]
    but stay happy n keep smiling =]
    love u lots!xxxmichellexxx

  • 19 years ago

    by fernando

    I defenetly love this poem cause ive been through the same thing

  • 19 years ago

    by nevergiveup

    Thanks :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Laloser05

    Very powerful. Great ending. Keep this up, very good riting. You know i like your poems - can't wait to see some more coming my way.

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