This is for the girl who...

by Let Me Be Your Happily Ever After   Jan 14, 2006

This is for the girl who sits by her phone and waits for your call. knowing you never will but never giving up hope.

this is for the girls who looks in the mirror and hates herself, even though she is beautiful.

this is for the girl who cries silently every night because nothing ever goes right.

this is for the girl who holds out her hands ready to catch you. and falls knowing you wont catch her.

this is for the girl who spends so many nights alone thinking about you even though you're not thinking of her

this is for the girl who writes i love you all over her notebook but makes sure you'll never see it.

this is for the girl who goes through pillow cases like tissues, drenched in tears from you.

this is for the girl who awaits her 1st kiss, not from just anyone but from you.

this is the for the girl who has hurt herself more times then you have.

this is for the girl who has starved herself, because you called her fat

this is for the girl who cut herself because you said you would never love her

and this is for the girl who killed herself because you had already killed her.

this is for you..

* girls i know you've felt at least one if not more of these things * and it means alot to me if all of you will vote and comment * thanks much


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  • 18 years ago

    by Christine

    Omg ur right. i know exactly what you mean. Such a great poem

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