
by Roshni   Jan 15, 2006

Why do people go?
Why do they never look back?
Why do their memories never faint?
Why do I feel stabbed?
Why is there, still a u inside me?
Y do I still expect u 2 come 2 me
Y is my fate not kind
All your memories painted in my mind,
That look, that smile
That you telling me your mine
In spite of me telling myself a 100 times
I am fine I am fine
I know deep down inside
I am dying
It has been an era since you walked away
An era since I have been injured
Even time couldnt t help me
Why it couldnt, I doubt
Was it helpless?
Because it 2 cud not heal my wound out


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  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Hi Roshni, great feeling to find another Indian and having an opportunity to comment.

    this was a nice work indeed, great questions though but i believe we all are here in this site to find answers only..so hope to find one soon.

    take care and all the best

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