Comments : Cant Sleep

  • I like this one a lot...even thoe u just wrote it down real quik its real amazing...thankz 4 callin me yesterday...i really like talkin to you...well stay strong and i know that it hurts,,,

  • 19 years ago

    by Ladida

    I love this poem! It's different compared to the way you usually write and that's awesome. It came out really good and I think it's because you just wrote down your thoughts in an artistic way. It's a beautiful mess because it takes you all over the place and you can really feel the confusion and frustration you were must have been feeling when you wrote it. Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Charlie

    Ppl's real talent comes out when they feel like writing...and this is brilliant....a good poem for the start of the new year.....
    good job, its great