An Immigrants Tale

by JL   Jan 15, 2006

Leaning on the rail
which divides boat from sea
So long and far a journey
For an insignificance immigrant like me

In Chile, I jumped aboard
Quietly stowed away
Sneaking food every now and then
To keep my hunger at bay

Now I feel then ocean mist
Against my grinning face
The land of liberty and freedom
Is said to be a wondrous place

Squinting into the distance
I see Lady Liberty
Shouting to my companions
For all to come and see

Everything seems to stop
as they crowd the railing now
Pointing and shouting relief
In prayer, my head I bow

"Thank you God almighty
For protecting us all here,
Keeping us healthy and safe
Taking away our fear"

*told in the p.o.v. of my great-grandfather Alexander Varas, who came from Chile to America*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    A very beautiful and proud write.....

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela