Depressions Shelf

by Phoebe   Jan 15, 2006

Frozen inside my broken shell
Memories from tales I could never tell
Holding out to grasp just a little it of hope
Something to hold onto, to help me cope
If it wasn't for you I just couldn't be
If you weren't there to help this would be the end of me
I promised myself things I knew I'd never do
Things to push me forward, things to help me through
Why do I feel this way?
I ask myself everyday
Why do I have to be like this? All broken up inside?
Torn up from the things I frantically try to hide..
I don't understand what made me be like this
To live one day of total happiness for me would be pure bliss
But while this blood drips and these tears fall
I know you'll be there to try and help me through it all
It's not fair on you for me to act like I do
And I'm sorry for all the pain I ever put you through
Someday maybe I'll tell you the things I hide
Burning like fire, tearing me apart inside
But for now all I'll say is thanks for being there
Thanks for showing that some people do care
I hope you understand I don't mean to be this way
But if I'd found a way before
I wouldn't be like this anymore
I'll try my best to reach all your expectations
Attempt to make you proud with my hearts creations
I'll listen to your every word and phrase
Everything about you never ceases to amaze
You'll get me through this dark time
With your colors in my world I'll be just fine
You'll save me, bring me back to my old self
Put all this hurt and pain upon depressions shelf
Save it for some time its actually needed
Over my pain your love has succeeded
So I'll end this now even though I,
Know this wont be the last good-bye.


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  • 19 years ago

    by *BeAuTiFuLlY*iNaDeQuEtE*

    Hey!! brilliant poem, just wanted to congratulate you as yu have the same name as me n yr the first person ive ever met with it lol!!!
    great job, 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Ok, that was bloody excellent! It reminds me oh so much of Tia (girl from my love poems), never stop writing you have a knack for it! btw I hope it's ok if I put you on my favorites lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Chris

    I don't know who this is about, but i can assure you that they should be very lucky that they have ever loved someone like you. =)

    Nice poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    I love this its awesome!!!5/5