
by Axle Rose   Jan 15, 2006

It was a cold october night,
and everything seemed just fine,
she checked the clock again,
it was now 10:09.

she was waiting on a call,
just like every night,
but this time,
it would really make her cry.

he was on his way to the pool hall,
to have a little fun,
but on the way he let her heart fall,
it all had come undone.

she heard him barely whisper,
of the thing that had happened,
she couldn't control her sobs,
this wasen't supposed to be the end.

he tried so hard to explain,
that it just wasen't meant to be,
he was sorry for the pain he'd caused,
but he needed to be free.

she listened very carefully,
hearing every word,
not believeing anything,
but feeling the burn.

he was sitting in his car,
with a friend in the passenger seat,
this girl had leaned over and kissed him,
intensifying the heat.

she spoke to him so gently,
because she loved him so,
that she was dissapointed,
but none the less letting him go.

now he sits in his car,
his phone silent in his hand.
with his mind in every direction,
and she is lost within the land.

she sits ever so silently,
with her head in her hands,
thinking of of him endlessly,
but never to understand.

he had let her whole world collapse,
all in a second,
when he kissed that girl back.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bubbles

    I love your writing style. it's so painful to read the... they hit home. i connect with your stuff and think you're amazingly talented

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Thanx yeah most are i guess im happy but i write sad i guess thanx

  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Aaaahhh sad but really gooood 5/5