Dying Rose

by Lucinda   Jan 15, 2006

** its not that great i think.. but id love feedback if you please!

peacefully drowning your heart to its end
you came and took me away
and so i tried to fight back
ive come to take you away with your life
dying rose, dropping your petals
they wont forget you when your gone
just a broken heart left to remember
this is your song...
your bleeding out to forgive
trying to hold to what you have left
yet i continue to kill your soul
taking away the thoughts you had
dig my nails into your chest
there you lie, a bloody mess
when will i ever let go
to be honest, im not sure
then inside i find your heart
tearing it a-bloody-part
there you plead with your pain
why did you do this to me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    I think its really good 5~5