I want

by firexflys   Jan 15, 2006

I want to be the person that makes you feel alright
I want to be the face you touch ever day and every night
The one you've wised for to be in your life,
I want to be everything to you, even someday your wife,

Be the one that you will hold in your arms tight,
I want you to be the one to scares away my fears
And chase away my tears, you're my dream come
True, I'll never Ever need some one as much I need you,

I want us to met as we both sleep, in a perfect dream
About only you and me, I want be the one to make
You smile and set your heart at dance, I want my eyes to
Be the eyes that look's into your soul, because I know
We make each other feel whole,

My heart is where you are and where it will always be,
And I know you feel just the way I do when I look at
You and you look at me, and I wish you would
Promise me the word now and forever that no matter what we'll Always be happy when we're together,

I believe in us, and this word called love,
Because I started to when God sent me you from above,
Every day we both know how much we can make
Each other smile, our passion is heavenly and our love is true,

I want to mean the world and everything else to you,
I want to spend my life with you forever and ever.
To be in pure bliss only us two, I want to be your
Every hug and every sweet kiss, make ever thing you ever
Wanted come true, your dreams and the thing you wish

But most of all, in my heart and soul I need you,
We can cherish each other, never hurt one another,
I want you to need me in your heart like I need you
I want us to love each other now and till the end of forever

© written by FireXfly with help from a good friend d0яα who's pome this idea came off of check out her's if you like mine http://www.best-love-poems.com/poems.php?id=571258
*thanks d0яα for allowing me to use your poem to help me make mine could not have made it with out you ....

and of course this poem is for my baby!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    It wasn't a great poem . . . it was amazing ;) So much meaning behind the words and it painted a beautiful image in my mind. Keep it up xD

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Ohhh this is such a beautiful poem! You and Dora both are amazing... jeez... I get inspired just from reading both of your work. I had to laugh when I read that rose guy's comment, because his poems are the definition of suck. =) Yours are amazing, so don't let that get in your way, and keep up the awesome writing hun! xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    Loved it! thats kinda how i've felt at times....sighs awsome write keep it up and yea if ur gonna say a poem sucked atleast give a reason as to y u think that

  • 19 years ago

    by Katlynn

    I really liked the concept of this poem alot. Taking someone's poem for some help which was alright and then twisting some into your own words and it comes out as an amazing poem. Very good. keep it up. keep on writing. hopefully your baby reads it because i know i want someone to show me a poem written to me. :) . love always and forever.

  • 19 years ago

    by Gemmie Lou

    Really liked it hun ignore the idiot who asnt gt d balls 2 even say y it sucked!!