Night of Fear

by EJ   Jan 15, 2006

Standing over you holding the gun
thinking so hard about what i have done
no thoughts come to me
about what has just happened
i cant imagine killing you
or even remember how it happened
all i know is i hold the gun
and you lie dying on the floor
i run to the phone to call the police
but i feel the pull of a small lease
i\'m chained to you by a ten foot rope
i try to pull you but i have to give up hope
i look at your chest
and i see all the blood
it covers your body
and surrounds the floor
i sit down beside you
tears rushing from my eyes
i\'m screaming forgive me
please forgive all my lies
i lay down beside you
my head on your shoulder
the rooms grows darker
as i fade off to sleep

i start to dream the accident
and how it really happened
i\'m walking through the house
the gun sits quiet over in the corner
i fix something to eat
and i hear the phone ringing
i run over to answer it
i hear this lady say
\"hunny i have some bad news
your best friend died today\"
I scream out into the phone
\"you must be a liar
i just saw her not to long ago
how could it have happened\"
\"hunny she was in a car wreck
just after she left your house
she missed the turn
and the car flipped
i dont know what else happened
but she didnt manage make it\"
i drop the phone
its now much to heavy for me to hold
i fall to the ground tears pouring from my eyes
i\'m hoping its not true
but then remember the noise
and remember hearing the cops
so i walk into the bed room
and i pick up the gun
i aim it at my heart
and pray it only takes one shot
i take off the safety
and i pull the trigger

i remember now
the nights so clear
i ended my life
in fear of you not being here
I now remember that i am dead

This is not really true just something i made up.. i hope you all like it.. please vote and comment!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer

    Very good...its good to know its not true though :)...keep it up!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Avellana

    Like a poetic story. Very tragic and dark.

    Lv A, x