He Deserves To Die

by Jenna   Jan 15, 2006

He deserves to die
but there is nothing I can do
He got up and walked away
while life was leaving you
Couple of scratches, a broken nose
he lives to tell the tale
Blood surrounds your dying body
slowly your heart begins to fail
Your breath shortens, he sits and stares
he has no idea what he did
He decided to drink and drive
now he has killed a 12 year old kid
Vehicular manslaughter at the age of 16
locked up for 25 years
He deserves to die for it
I hope he lives in fear
I hope he'll never forgot that night
but he probably doesn't care
Your death was slow and painful
Not to mention it wasn't fair
Your face will haunt him in his dreams
Your memory will follow him forever
Because he took your life
I miss you now more than ever
He got off easy in my opinion
even though he'll rot in his jail cell
He deserves to die
and forever burn in hell
He deserves to die, not you
I still ask my self why
It is you who will never breathe again
when he deserves to die


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    Wow ur so good

  • 19 years ago

    by kara

    Thats a good poem i felt tha same way when my lil cousin died cause some drug dude desided to drink and drive but that same guy was never caught and all i do is hope noone becomes a victum

  • 19 years ago

    by Jonathan

    That is an amazing poem... you can really feel the strength and hate.