Mind Block

by Kayla   Jan 15, 2006

My mind's buzzing with thoughts.
They're driving me insane.
I need to find a place to hide,
To hide from all the pain.

I'm sick of all the voices,
The thoughts , and memories.
I need somewhere to hide them.
And keep them away from me.

So I've decided I'd write it all,
Everything that's on my mind.
And when I'm done I'll hide them
Some place no one can find.

And hopefully they won't come back.
And I'll finally be free.
But that's in the future
So we'll just have to wait and see.

***Okay people, this is probably one of the worst poems that I have ever written but it helped me just to be able to let this out. I hope that y'all liked it more than I do!***


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani

    This poem is veyr weird!

  • 19 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Please know that this poem is NOT bad! It's very good...this poem is what everything writing is about. To let all your feelings out, good or bad. I know sometimes the ONLY thing to calm me and bring me back to the "real world" is to just write and get EVERYTHING off my chest...you certainly said it clear enough for anyone to understand. Very nicely done!