Chip In Paw

by Ashleigh Skye   Jan 15, 2006

Most cats like their chicken,
fish and beef and such,
but my cat is different,
he goes for the deep-fried touch.

Crunchy and covered in salt,
is what he likes the best,
yes he loves his potato chips,
a little bit more than the rest.

He springs into action,
when he hears the rustle of the bag,
weaving in and around our feet,
hoping a chip he may snag.

When he gets his desired prize,
he munches away in content,
purring away happily,
at his newest present.

He only likes the plain ones,
salt and vinegar make him squirm,
to much flavour for his little mouth,
yet for his chips he still does yearn.

Maybe that's why he's bigger,
than a lot of other cats I've seen,
he's been eating to many potato chips,
and not just on Halloween.

But even if he's bigger,
and on a few chips he likes to snack,
I still love my kitty cat,
the strangest one of the pack.



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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by blair

    Its ok...not the best thing ive eva read but its decent... but keep trying....

  • 19 years ago

    by LadyPoet

    Alyson, this is very cute, cool and nicely written, keep writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by shenoa

    Thats cute, my cat likes Deritos

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    Good work. *5/5*