I really think I'm really truly in love with you....
no matter what people say were the only ones who to know...
but right now its too late because were not part of one anymore....
i keep falling into tears
wallowing in my future fears
when I'm with you i loose all that but now they came back and wont leave!
my fears are taking over me....
I'm fooling everyone with whats going on...
I'm scared..scared of the future, scared that i will never find someone as wonderful as you and feel the same way...
i know its NOT possible because you were the first real true love of my life....
i keep thinking...every moment...everyday....every dream i keep thinking of every adventure we shared together and realized so much more!
thats how i found I'm truly in love with you and now its breaking me apart because supposedly things aren't true
I'm truly in love with you, you told me the same i don't know what the answer is but all i know is this is mine!