Without You

by Void   Jan 16, 2006

I'm closing my eyes, grasping thin air.
You're nowhere around, why aren't you here?
I scream ever loudly, crying my plea,
Unbreak my heart, come back to me.
But I know there's no difference, in the wind's direction.
Never again will I see perfection.
Because without you, walls tumble down.
Without your voice echo, I hear no sound.
The world can't spin, my heart only bleeds.
Heaven has robbed me of everything I need.
I wander alone, through hell's icy path,
Only surviving, on memories of the past.
My fingers still moving, in hopes to hold yours,
My mind still searching, through mist it explores.
I need to reach you, I don't believe you're gone.
You said you'd never leave me,I can't move on.
God cannot take you, for with you is my soul.
I cannot breathe, when life's reason, he stole.
I can't help but wonder, if you loved me too...
Is it safe to assume, that our love was true?
And if I am right, if our hearts felt the same,
Than why did you leave me, in such agony and pain.
Return to me please, my tears are running out.
I'm thirsting for water, in this loveless drought.
There is only one, whom I was meant to be,
Together forever, just you and me.
Eye's still closed, empty hands feared.
I see a smile on your face, but it soon disappears.
In my mind you linger, and it will never forget.
Pieces of my heart, will find healing yet.
I'll find you one day, I know that I will.
And sweet angel please know, that I love you still.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Kevin

    Very nice expression.
    Very nice flow as well.
    Quality stuff :) keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    The emotion within your words are expressed so well that i could almost feel your pain! i really loved this poem!
    luv em

  • 19 years ago

    by Katlynn

    Amazing job. i really enjoyed this one. but if this one a love poem..mmm why in sad? Oh maybe passed away and no matter what you'll still love him. I got you now hopefully i'm right. But again amazing job. your very talented. keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Damn!! i read a dark poem from u...then a funny and now a love poem..what a lovely cocktail..:o)

    this was superb...great selection of words.
    u r just amazing.