The people I've hurt
so many so sad, some
deserve what had came to them
some hadn't.
I can't change the past
i can only hope the past changes
my future. But it Will never change,
i will never change. i am stuck, stuck this way forever.
My life filled with lies and betrayal.
I've been betrayed and stepped on, treated like dirt
but that's no excuse for the way i'am.
The way i'am, funny I've never used that phrase before.
Is it because i know how i am
that I'm horrible, and can't be
controlled.But maybe i can there's still a chance. for as long as i am remembered i can be remembered as a changed person.
Or can i?
Hey, this is a good write.
I love the lines: "I can't change the past, I can only hope the past changes
my future" because its so true.I can relate to that. It has a lot of meaning.