Comments : Morning Breeze

  • 19 years ago

    by cai

    Thanks 4 ur comment... i'll do my best to make it better...XD

  • 19 years ago

    by XnotaprettygirlX

    Wow thats awesum..ur gunna get heaps far in poetry i can see it already...hope ya like it here..its pretty awesum...if ya wish to read sum of my poems


  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    That's another very interesting and beautiful poem...but in your second stanza third sentence you put

    "And the Angels has flown away"
    The grammer sounds off. It would be better
    "and the angel has flow away"
    or "And the angels have flow away"
    Other than that, the poem is perfect. hope to read more.