No Longer

by Amanda   Jan 6, 2004

You no longer have my mind, body, or soul.
You will no longer have my concerns, tears or fears over anything you do.
Make the bottle your friend as it will be the only one u will have in life.
I will be there in your demise, no longer will u need anything from me.
Being confined to a small space for the rest of your life, thats your destiny.
The taste of metal in your mouth and forever flowing through your veins.
Another innocent child not knowing their roots.
To see their "role model" through glass
Fingerprints forever engraved.
When a heart is breakin it is finally yours.
I am your reflection, your shadow laughin at you in the backround.
You can see me, but never knowing where i am.
Knowing I am not with you in any way shape or form.
And I am thankful for that.
No Longer do u have me.


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  • 21 years ago

    by ~*ErYkUh*~

    Hey amanda...thanx for that comment you left glad you liked my poem..I gave this one a 5, your good so keep writiting....erika