Comments : Why do people do it?

  • 19 years ago

    by Little Dot

    Wow, amazing work on this poem. It has such a strong message. People should stop judging and see how they can try to help. You did a beautiful job on this poem. So much thought was put into it. Definetly worth the read.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jay27

    Maybe you could change "pre-judging" to "prejudice"? you said you were planning to revise this, but i do think its pretty good as it is. well done.

  • 19 years ago

    by Anna

    You said you had problems to understand the first line? Well, the first line is actually the easiest to understand.
    Ich vermisse dich, hast du gesagt
    it's just: I miss you, you said
    ausgerechnet jetzt hast du es gewagt
    just now you have dared
    ausgerechnet jetzt zu dieser Zeit
    just now at this time...
    and so on!

    With this poem I just wanted to see what others think or say because I always have to rate and comment on English poems! But unfortunately there aren't many people who speak German well! Maybe you can take a look on my English poems and let me know what you think!