Story of a girl

by Jayme   Jan 16, 2006

She sat there, with her razor locked thight in her hand. Not knowing what to do after the loss of something so meaningful in her life. As she took the cold metal and wiped it acrossed her skin she began to feel the pain pain lift from her heart. Gently she sliced at her arm again not knowing how deep she was really going. She layed there trapped in her own pool of blood and tears, not wanting to live anymore she took the razor and slid it once more threw her vein. Feeling the life flow out of her she wondered why she had listened to all the lies. Her soul had dieed not to long ago, now it was time for her mind and body to join it. Nobody knew why she felt she must die, no one understood the pain she had inside.

* This was not meant to rhyme, it was more of an expressive way to let out my pain*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Heather

    Thanks for your comment. In a way your poem did rhyme and it is easy to understand. For people that actually do it knows exactly why. Good Job! Keep it Up! "5"


    P.S. if you get a chance I have alot of other poems. If you could rate and comment that would be great!

  • 19 years ago

    by Sami

    Whoa... That must've been something you've been feeling there! -rates 5-