When The Blood Comes

by Nearly but not quite   Jan 16, 2006

I don't do it for the attention,
I don't do it to be different,
I do it to relieve the tension
That inside me is all pent.

I do it for the sharp thrill,
For fresh blood, warm and sweet,
I do it because I know it will
Take the stresses of the week.

I like the taste of blood, I do,
So red, so sweet, so warm,
People like me aren't far or few
So don't turn this into a war.

I like to lick my wounds mummy,
I don't mean the expression,
I like blood cos it's yummy.
And the pain relieves the tension.

Think of it as acupunture
Required by the doctor,
Think of it as a cure
Not death I'm aiming for.

I don't want to die just yet
I just like the taste,
Don't put me down like a vet,
To let it go would be a waste.

Please comment, I appreciate constructive criticism as well as praise.


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  • 18 years ago


    Thanx for the comment on my poem, i really appreciated it, but, "you thinking of following suit? please don't, take refuge in writing really good poems!" what do u mean? lol like following suit as in killing myself? and taking refuge in writing really good poems? u mean write down what i feel about it, 'cause that's what i do lol, i'm sorry i just got really confused. Anyways, i read some of ur poems, and this one called out to me, i really liked it, and i'm sure that a lot of people can relate to it as well as me, so good job, and keep ur head up chickie pie!
    -Jenna xo

  • 19 years ago

    by myxlittlexcut

    You did well on this poem
    very nice structure

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    Hey, about what your comment on "Nightmare"? I guess in some ways it's not as bad as drugs but it is addictive and harmful, I hate to think that there are other people out there doing the same. I don't think it's the right way to deal with things but once you get in it's like anything else, hard to get out. I'm not proud of it, quite the opposite, and cause of my experience I can never condone cutting. Maybe it helps for a while, but in the end it just creates new problem you have to deal with.
    But...yeah, thats just my take on it.
    Again thanks for your comments, and I love this poem, you've expressed yourself very well. Well Done.
    P.S. and yes! the structure is more than decent, its great!

  • 19 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    Thank you for you're v. nice+ generous comments, is the structure actually decent?! :-)

  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Yes, this was a very vivid and descriptive poem, really captured the emotions. loved it! 5/5
    luv xxEmmaxx

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