Falling Apart

by Trista   Jan 16, 2006

You see love, I see pain
You see sunshine,I see rain,
You see laughter, I see sorrow,
You see big and, I see smaller

You live life, and life lives me
You can notice things,and I cant see
You laugh happiness,and I cry tears
It all may be over in a couple of years,

You love her, I love you,
You feel happy,I feel blue,
You keep going, and I give up,
You say hi and I ask whats up,

You think its the beginning,and I no its the end,
Don't know how much longer we can stay friends.

With all the damage you did to my heart not sure how its still beating I'm falling apart....


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  • 18 years ago

    by Trista

    This is My Best and favorite poem hahah. i wrote myself a comment haha.

  • 19 years ago

    by K

    :'( So sad... but I loved it a lot! I like the way you made the way you feel and the way he feels and mad it rhyme. Keep it up, cant wait to read more.